If you feel a full body YES to rising into the best version of yourself, don’t wait!
This coaching is for women who:
– is on the edge of her next breakthrough.
- wants a mentor who will challenge her and inspire her to calibrate to a higher frequency.
- is ready to connect with her Feminine power and divinity in a whole new capacity
– wants to learn how to trust her body and feel deeply connected to her Feminine wisdom
- knows deep inside that she has leadership qualities waiting to surface
– wants to do business the feminine way.
What Women Are Saying!

“Ruth is the embodiment of ageless wisdom and power. Her crystal-clear vision can cut through all that is unnecessary, confusing, limiting to who is in her presence, as a client or participant or in her Circles. She has such Mastery and you get the feeling that she desires nothing else than pure exquisite truth and presence in life. She is deeply rooted in the earth and this permeates all her work. It is a privilege to be in her guidance.“

“I’ve known Ruth for over 10 years.
To me, she represents the strength of deep feminine wisdom. She enfolds women with the finest antennae of love, attentiveness and clarity. I can let myself fall unconditionally into her arms and open my whole soul. I know with Ruth that everything will be fine.“

“A wonderful, sensitive, magical, wise alchemist, who offers every woman a protected space where she can meet her whole truth, learn to come to herself and to love herself, where she can find the way to freedom ♥️ and anyway, for me you are Mother Earth personally.“

“The work with Ruth is groundbreaking for me. Calm, soft, empathetic and yet clear, she accompanies me in all the things that show up inside me. A magical companion towards joy, freedom and self-love. Thanks, Ruth.”

“A wise woman who loves to make a racket and light her fire, who can laugh mischievously and cheerfully about life and has a foundation and an anchor that is firmly anchored in the ground.“

“Ruth embraces the women in the world with her goodness, verity, honesty and profound wisdom.“