If you’re a woman professional, who often finds yourself battling the relentless demand for perfection? The doubt that creeps in, the stress of never feeling “good enough”? You’re not alone, and it’s time for a change.

Join us for “From Inner Critic to Inner Champion,” an empowering masterclass specifically designed for women professionals ready to turn the pain of perfectionism into the power of confidence.

Find out more here.

The Intuitive Feminine Leadership Academy offers you events, home study courses and two 6-month programs: The Whisper Remedy Program and the Inner Alchemy Journey.

These programs support you in healing, aligning with your vision, your intuition and stepping deeper into your leadership.

More information here.

The Ancestor Recovery Retreat – A home study course over the Halloween weekend from 28 – 31 October.

At this time, the veils between the visible and invisible worlds are thinnest, and ancestor work is most effective.

More here